Brain-Up Powder
Balraj Rasayan/Powder
Supari Pak
Vrikka Poshak Capsule
Balraj Rasayan Capsules
Arbudhar Capsules
Manas Mithra Vati
Vrikka Poshak Kwath
Punarnavastak Kwath
Manshposhak kwath
Youvnmitra Rasayan (Powder)
Vrikka Poshak Kwath
Swas Kaas Har Kwath
Punarnavastak Kwath
Nimbadi Kwath
Mulethi Kwath
Manshposhak kwath
Hiriveradi Kwath
Devdarvadi kwath
Brahmi Kwath
Heppa Forte Syrup
Gokshur Syrup
Vaatraj Tailam
Anu Taila
Tankan Bhasma
Swarn Makshik Bhasma
Sutshekhar Ras
Sangeyasav Pishti
Punarnavadi Mundoor
Praval Panchamrit Ras
Narikel Lavan Bhasma
Kamdudha Ras
Godanti Bhasma
Youvnmitra Rasayan (Powder)
Hingwadi Churna
Haritaki Churna
Guduchi Pipalyadi Rasayan
Gokshuradi Churna
Brain-Up Powder
Bilwadi Churna
Baheda Churna
Avipattikar Churna
Amalki Rasayan Churna
Vrikka Poshak Capsule
Raktshodhak Capsule
Nimbadi Churna
Nimbadi Capsule
Virocide Vati
Varunadi Vati
Hinsulin Capsule
Balraj Rasayan Capsules
Arbudhar Capsules
Vrikka Poshak Vati
Sumedha Vati
Shilajitvadi Vati
Saptavinshati Guggul Vati
Prameha Nashini Vati
Nimbadi Vati
Mansh Poshak Vati
Manas Mithra Vati
Kutaj Ghan Vati
Kaishore Guggul Vati
Hinsulin Vati
Co-Liv Vati
Bala Ashawghandhadi Vati
Arogyavardhini Vati
Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati
Ashwagandha Capsule
Kanchanar Guggle Vati
Giloy Ghan Vati
Sarpagandha Ghan Vati
Balraj Rasayan/Powder
Supari Pak
Shatavar Churna

Ayurvedacharya Vaidya Subhash Nayak
- B.A.M.S (S.S.N Ayurved College Nrusing Nath, Sambalpul University)
- M.Sc. Yoga: Gadhwal Bahuguna University, Uttarakhand
- P.G. Diploma In Panchkarma: Patanjali University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand
Work Experience:
- In All Cronic Disease and Cancer about 25+ Years.
- Former Senior Chief Vaidya in Patanjali Yogpeeth.
- Experience : 25+ Years
Present Director:
- Amrit Sandhanam Ayurved Pramarsh Kendra Haridwar
- Hind Herbal Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd. Haridwar
- Hind Lifecare Pharmacutical Pvt. Ltd. Haridwar
- Rajiv Dixit Cancer Rehabilitation Institute
Socail Activity:
- Secretry In Gurukul Navaprabhat Public Charitable Trust, Nuapali, Bargad, Odisha
Hind Herbal Pharmacy
Hind Herbal Pharmacy is a fastest growing ayurvedic manufacturer and supplier company with extensive proficiency in the field of developing, manufacturing and commercializing Best Ayurvedic Products, Nutraceuticals & Food products with an absolute focus on product quality and customer satisfaction.
With a vision of providing “Economical cost” to our customers / pateint along with ‘Quality in products’, we have our plant ISO 9001:2015 & GMP certified at strategic location of, Haridwar, Uttarakhand which helps in ready availability of raw materials besides other advantages such as government exemption and subsidized resources.
Hind Herbal Pharmacy has a huge capacity unit to manufacture 3 million syrup, 4.5 million capsules and 40 million tablets every month. Besides there are other products including Churna, Kwath (Kasayam), Vati (Tablets), Capsules, Ashv Arishta, Bhasm, Pisti, Rasa Rasayan, Swarna Yoga, Abaleha, Granules, Syrup, Bajikaran, Vitamins, Nutraceuticals, Protein Pawder, Beauty & Skin Care, and Hair Care Products.
With a vision of providing “Economical cost” to our customers / pateint along with ‘Quality in products’, we have our plant ISO 9001:2015 & GMP certified at strategic location of, Haridwar, Uttarakhand which helps in ready availability of raw materials besides other advantages such as government exemption and subsidized resources.
Hind Herbal Pharmacy has a huge capacity unit to manufacture 3 million syrup, 4.5 million capsules and 40 million tablets every month. Besides there are other products including Churna, Kwath (Kasayam), Vati (Tablets), Capsules, Ashv Arishta, Bhasm, Pisti, Rasa Rasayan, Swarna Yoga, Abaleha, Granules, Syrup, Bajikaran, Vitamins, Nutraceuticals, Protein Pawder, Beauty & Skin Care, and Hair Care Products.

डायबिटीज को कंट्रोल करने के उपाय: आपकी दिनचर्या में लाएं ये तीन महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव
Shipping Policy
We will deliver product within 5-7 days.
Easy Return
Return Money within 30 Days.
Secure Payment
100% Secure Payments.
24/7 Support
24/7 Customer Support.